Dr. Kalai Mugilan visits Credo August 18, 2019


Members of the UU Congregation are invited to attend Credo August 18 to visit with a guest. Credo starts at 9:30 and runs through 10:45. We do have people who drop in, so if you are present for church early, you are welcome. We expect that he will bring some copies of Urban Monk, A Humanist Perspective.

Kalai Mugilan

Kalai Mugilan is the Vice President of the Humanist Association for Middle Tennessee. He teaches sociology and is a prolific diversity trainer, taking on gender, race, and sexuality head on. Kalai is multilingual, a poet, dancer, author and thinker. He is a resident of Tennessee and grew up in Malaysia, but calls the South home. He is a husband and father to two children.

Emotional intelligence is an important form of intelligence. There are six emotions to become aware of and to stay energized for life and as a humanist. The six feelings are of beauty, brilliance, belonging, gratitude, hope, and forgiveness.

CommunityKris Thresher