From Shared Ministries Council: How to Request Space and/or Budget for Your Group Meeting

The building is now available for indoor meetings!

Plus, we have a new cedar 12x16 Gazebo between the Still Spring Park and the playground, with internet and power!

Team Leaders / Group Sponsors who are members of GNUUC are welcome to request this space. Here’s how!

To request space in either of these locations:

  1. Review the Indoor Hybrid Meeting Policy Summary.

    With certain precautions, we can now gather indoors.

    We're allowing people to gather together in person indoors again because, for some, the mental health benefits of an in-person community outweigh the current COVID risks.

    We encourage everyone who is able to get vaccinated.

    While not perfect, vaccines are the best way to prevent severe illness from COVID. Most of the members of the congregation over 12 are vaccinated against COVID. Therefore, we will continue to encourage people to get vaccinated.

    Masks are required.

    Mask wearing is the simplest and most effective way to reduce the transmission of COVID from person to person. Therefore, masks are required while people are indoors.

    Stay home if you’re sick.

    If you’re not feeling well, stay home. Let someone know. Get better.

    Whenever possible, especially for worship, remote options will be available.

    The congregation will do its best to make all in-person events hybrid so that people can also attend remotely.

    We’ll do our best to make the building safer.

    The congregation will do its best to make the indoor environment safer to reduce the likelihood of COVID transmission. This includes air filtration, introducing outdoor air, and spacing people out.

    Trust yourself.

    You are the best judge of your comfort and safety. That comfort will likely change from day to day and week to week. That’s okay.

  2. Review the detailed Greater Nashville UU Indoor Hybrid Meeting Policy (Adopted October 2021). Highlights:

    Current Limitation

    Currently, congregational singing, as well as eating and drinking, is not permitted indoors.

    Current Indoor Space Available

    Currently, the following indoor spaces can be reserved:  Fellowship Hall, Sanctuary, CRE Main Room. The other spaces are too small to spread out. 

    To Reserve Space for Groups

    To meet indoors, the Group Organizer must do the following: 

    1) To have a GNUUC event (indoors, outdoors, or off-site), fill out the Shared Ministries Event Request Form in Breeze. (more details below)

    2) Maintain an attendance list for COVID tracking. The Attendance list must be emailed to Rev. Denise or slipped under her door on the date of the event.
    (stacks of Attendance Sheets and color-coded name tags are in the entryway.)

    3) Read the detailed Indoor policy and do your best to have your group adhere to the policy.

    COVID-19 Reporting

    Attendees who experience COVID-19 symptoms or test positive are expected to share that information with the minister. Confidentiality will be maintained.

  3. Decide what space can accommodate your group:

    Current Available Space

    Sanctuary - currently 45 chairs

    Fellowship Hall - currently 30 chairs

    CRE Main Room - currently 10 chairs

    Breezeway (tables and chairs available - leaning against building)

    Gazebo Area (tables and chairs available)

    Tables and Chairs

    More plastic tables and folding chairs are available in the CRE building hallway that can be moved to the Breezeway or the Gazebo area. Contain for building code.

    Outdoor Power and Internet

    FYI: Outdoors space, including Memorial Garden, Gazebo, and Playground now has power and internet!

    The Power is in the post near the fence between the Memorial Garden and Playground. There is an extension cord in the RE building. PLEASE return after use!

    Contact for WiFi name and password.

  4. Fill out the Shared Ministries Event Request Form

To have a GNUUC event (indoors, outdoors, or off site), fill out the Shared Ministries Event Request Form in Breeze.  

You also can use this form to request indoor or outdoor space at GNUUC or Shared Ministry funds for your event.  

This form can be used for something simple like “Clean and Organize the Building,” a recurring event like “Bell Choir Practice” or “Social Action Meeting,” or a bigger event, like “Hanging of the Greens.”

Note: Sunday AM is currently reserved for Worship and Children’s RE only, due to limited space. Requests for Sunday must go through Shared Ministry Team Leaders (Rev. Denise or Kristin R.)

GovernanceKristin Reveal