GNUUC Board Update for May 26, 2021


Some weeks are busier than others, in the world, in our lives, and in the congregation. For GNUUC, this was one of those weeks.

The 5/23/2021 Sunday Service included the Annual Meeting, with about 30 attendees. Within this meeting, Nathanael Reveal and others provided an update on the ministerial search, presented the proposed GNUUC budget and slate of GNUUC board officers for the 2021-2022 operational year. 

In addition, we discussed two board policies that have been distributed for review and feedback; the final proposed version of these policies are expected to be approved by the board during the next meeting. Please continue to provide relevant feedback as necessary.

Please see news and details regarding Kiarash Hudarzi, a person in need and very grateful for GNUUC’s ability to provide emergency shelter,  in a separate article. 

Minister Search Update

The Minister Search Task Force includes the following members: 

  • Thena B

  • Gene B

  • Tina C

  • Jennie G

  • Zoe G

  • Denise G

  • Jesse S-S

At this time, our minister position is initially defined by these guidelines:

  • 15 Hours per Week

  • Health Insurance & Retirement Benefits

  • We will clearly define Minister Responsibilities to fit in hours

  • Annual Contract, could be renewed annually

These guidelines are subject to change as the task force identifies specific candidates and individual requirements are considered. The minister could be hired at any time; our goal is to start in August 2021. Hiring is coordinated through the UUA Transitions Office.

GNUUC Budget, July 2021 through June 2022

The budget was presented, discussed, and approved by a majority vote. Budget details were provided, but only as a supplement to the approved budget, as the details may be changed during the year based on actual revenue and expenses realized. 

View the budget here.

GNUUC Board of Directors, July 2021 through June 2022

To match an anomalous year, all members of the current GNUUC Board of Directors are both eligible to continue each of their terms and are willing to do so. This has not previously occurred in shared memory, but may be more common in the future as the board adapts to fewer members and continues to adopt governance policies relevant to a congregation of our size.

GNUUC Board for 2021 - 2022

  • Nathanael Reveal, President (fourth and final year as President)

  • Caren Spencer-smith, Vice-president (second of four possible years as Vice-president)

  • Ryan Davison, Treasurer (second of four possible years as Treasurer)

  • Carol Looney, Secretary (second of four possible years as Secretary)

  • Sandy Blanz, Member at Large (first year of second two-year term)

  • Tina Conti, Member at Large (second year of first two-year term; eligible for a second term)

  • Theresa Tarkington-Kersey, Member at Large (first year of second two-year term)

The new Board starts July 8, 2021 and will continue to meet on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 6:30pm to 7:30pm via Zoom.

It will be a busy summer for GNUUC, and everyone is looking forward to the resumption of in-person services as soon as possible. 

With warm regards and the hope of meeting in person very soon,

Caren Spencer-Smith