You are invited to Credo February 17 to hear Dr. Kalai Mugilan

Dr. Kalai Mugilan is a practicing Humanist, Sociologist, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Human Resources business consultant, and Emotional Quotient trainer. He has led discussions for nearly 20 years throughout his teaching career, speaking in colleges, conferences and private institutions across the nation and internationally. He has written on the topic extensively. He is currently Professor in the Sociology department at Columbia State Community College.

Most of the time Credo discussions are unstructured, but on occasion we invite someone to visit. We want to provide notice so that others in the church who might have interest can plan to attend. Although gathering time is 9:30, getting the coffee and getting settled may take a few minutes. Also, if 9:30 is too early for you, we don't mind having people drop in later. We do end at 10:45.

Caution! Kalai may challenge you. He says that these seven often unprocessed feelings leave some people in the dark: Forgiveness, Gratitude, Hope, Beauty, Brilliance, Belonging, and Respect. He will talk about having a more meaningful life.

CommunityKris Thresher